Posts Tagged: website

Shady Grove Fertility Zip Code Locator

Shady Grove Fertility needed a zip code locator to integrate into their existing Drupal site. We created a Drupal module for the zip code locator and incorporated it into their Locations page. The final version of the zip code locator loads all latitude and longitude combination’s for a specific US zip code, and with a… Read more »

MOMfinds, BRIDEfinds, and SHEfinds graphics

These are various icons and banners I created for MOMfinds and BRIDEfinds. There are kids sales icon for, group coupon icon for, BRIDEfinds icons and banners, RSS feeds subscribers, and Celebrity Baby Scoop icons and banners, RSS feeds for subscribers from, and Celebrity Baby Scoop.

Rush Website – ARC of NoVa

The ARC of Northern Virginia needed a small website for their upcoming Fundraiser done quickly. We stepped in to create an appealing website to match their existing print materials. Users needed to purchase tickets to the event through the website, so we used a basic PayPal solution. We created this website in 3 days time!… Read more »